"Hipshot" is a word in ENGLISH

hipshot ENGLISH

Having the hip dislocated; hence, having one hip lower
than the other.

Few words of positivity

Can you play the piano like Beethoven? Or sing like Carly Simon? Can you take fie pages' worth of quotes and turn them into a usable story ten minutes before deadline? I don't think so, unless you have more hidden talents I don't know about. We all have our special sills. They don't make us better or worse than each other. Just different

Jennifer Estep, Karma Girl

Laugh your heart out.

What's fat and jolly and runs on eight wheels?Father Christmas on roller skates!

acetabulum ENGLISH

A vinegar cup; socket of the hip bone; a measure of about one eighth of a pint, etc.

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akimbo ENGLISH

With a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward.

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babil a be bothered with s.t. s. o. is carrying. Ayaw pagdalag mga bátà kay babil ka unyà kaáyu, Dont …

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bakíntol - (B) To carry, bear on one’s shoulders or on the hip. Bakintolá iníng bayóong nga kalámay. Carry this …

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balakang TAGALOG

balakang Definition: (noun) hips

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balat-ang CEBUANO

balat-ang n the hips and pelvic region. v [a4] have pains in the pelvic region. Balat-ángun siya ug magrigla, She …

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balikawang HILIGAYNON

balikawáng - Also: Hip, hipbone, femur, thighbone, thigh, hip-joint; buttock, rump.

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balikis CEBUANO

balíkis v [A; c] coil, put around s.t. else. Mibalíkis ang baksan sa bábuy, The python coiled around the pigs …

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baraka CEBUANO

baráka n a room added to a house as an extension. v [A1; b6(1)] construct an extension to a house. …

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The act of exposing the body, or part of the body, for purposes of cleanliness, comfort, health, etc., to water, …

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batirul CEBUANO

batirul n tall pot made of clay or metal for cooking chocolate. v [A; b6] cook in the chocolate pot. …

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bedsore ENGLISH

A sore on the back or hips caused by lying for a long time in bed.

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binángon - The Philippine long knife carried in a scabbard on the hip by workmen. The scabbard or case is …

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breeches ENGLISH

A garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs; smallclothes.

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bultu n {1} large and bulging. Bultu kaáyug dughan, Having large breasts. n mass of s.t. that has been put …

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buttock ENGLISH

The part at the back of the hip, which, in man, forms one of the rounded protuberances on which he …

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A sleeveless garment or part of a garment, hanging from the neck over the back, arms, and shoulders, but not …

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circumflex ENGLISH

Curved circularly; -- applied to several arteries of the hip and thigh, to arteries, veins, and a nerve of the …

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coxalgy ENGLISH

Pain in the hip.

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dalipanus CEBUANO

dalipanus, dalipánus v [B2; c] slip by sliding. Midalipánus lang ang ubud sa ákung kamut, The eel just slipped from …

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