"Hining" is a word in HILIGAYNON


híning - (H) Shine, lustre, brightness,
polish, brilliancy; to shine, be bright, be
brilliant, be polished. Nagahíning na ang

hiniráya – hinun-ánon
salúg, kay halampasóhan. The floor is
bright now, for it has been polished. Kon
hínsan mo sing maáyo ang lamésa
magahíning. If you rub the table well it will
shine. Pahinínga sing maáyo ang ákon
mga sapátos. Polish my boots well.
Pahiníngi akó sang ákon mga sapátos.
Polish my boots. Nagahíning na ang
lamésa nga ímo ginpahídan (-íran). The
table which you wiped looks as if it were
polished. Ipahíning iníng séra sa salúg.
Use this wax to polish the floor. (cf. sílì,
silíng, hínis).

Few words of positivity

How poor are they that have no patients! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?'""Shakespeare isn't going to save you this time, Superman. Your time's run out."!

Colleen Houck, Tiger's Voyage

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Cicero !Cicero who ?Cicero the boat ashore !

asitun CEBUANO

asitun n acetone. v [b(1)] put or apply acetone. Asitunan lag diyútay ug mahuswà ang kútiks, Just apply a little …

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bitón - (Sp. betun) Shoe-blacking, polish; to shine—, polish—, black—, a shoe, etc. Bitoná or bitoní ang ákon mga sapátos. …

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bitun n shoe polish in solidified form. v [A; c] apply shoe polish. Bituni (bitni) ang sapátus, Apply shoe polish …

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búli - To polish, make glossy, make shiny. Bulíha ang patádyong ko. Put a gloss on my skirt. Patádyong nga …

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burnil, burnil HILIGAYNON

búrnil, burníl - (Sp. bruñir) To polish, burnish, shine, clean, cleanse. Burnilí ang kandeléro, ang mga sapátos, etc. Polish the …

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hagus v [A; b5] polish rough rice or corn grits by pounding. Hagusi (hagusa) ang mais ug tigúma ang tiktik, …

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haluk n kiss, sni? , putting the nose next to the person kissed. v {1} [AC; b] kiss. Nagháluk sila …

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hashas CEBUANO

hashas v {1} [A; b5c] pound rice a second time to husk the grains that had been missed the first …

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hínis v {1} [A; b] remove dirt that clings to s.t. , polish by scour-ing or chemical action. Ímu bang …

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hínis - To rub, polish, clean, scrape (with sand-paper, sand, etc.). Maghínis ka sang mga báso, pínggan, etc.—or—Hínsi (hinísi) ang …

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hugita CEBUANO

hugità v [B6; a12] for corn grits that are supposed to be cooked dry to come out wet and unevenly …

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kinlaw CEBUANO

kinlaw a gleaming brightly, shining with a steady reflected light. Kinlaw ang lamísang gisilakan, The table is gleaming because it …

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kintab CEBUANO

kintab a shining, gleaming with a steady reflected light. Kintab kaáyu ang pagkalimpiya sa ímung sapátus, Your shoes have been …

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kiskis CEBUANO

kiskis v [A; ab] scrape, to remove, smooth, or get scrapings. Nagkiskis ku sa tayà sa mga kubyirtus, Im scraping …

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kuthan CEBUANO

kuthan see kutu. kuti a {1} intricate, requiring close attention and exactness. Kuti kaáyu ang pagburda sa kamut, Hand embroidery …

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lampasu CEBUANO

lampásu v [A; b] polish a floor by rubbing a half a coconut husk or s.t. similar over it. Lampasúhi …

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limpiya CEBUANO

limpiya v [A; b6] polish shoes. Nagkabítun ang ákung kamut kay naglimpiya ku sa ákung sapátus, My hands have shoe …

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núrul n simple way of polishing shoes without bothering to rub the polish in well. Dì kaáyu sínaw ang sapátus …

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píkas v {1} [A3P; a] split, cut s.t. into halves lengthwise. Siyay mipíkas sa kawáyan, He split the bamboos. Pikása …

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pólog - (H) To plate, overlay, cover with gold or silver; to polish, give lustre to, make bright. Pológa ang …

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