"Hilungos" is a word in HILIGAYNON


hilúngos - A kind of very strong tobacco
that is seldom smoked, but often chewed
with betelnut. (Hilúngos is a town in Leyte,
where that tobacco mostly comes from;
hence the name).

Few words of positivity

Both men had made her feel as if she were the one who was at fault, a typically masculine reaction to a woman who was able to act independently of them.

Flora Kidd, Passionate Choice

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why do blonde nurses bring red magic markers to work?A: In case they have to draw blood.

parterre ENGLISH

An ornamental and diversified arrangement of beds or plots, in which flowers are cultivated, with intervening spaces of gravel or …

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discourser ENGLISH

One who discourse; a narrator; a speaker; an haranguer.

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láhay - To howl, bark (of dogs). Ang idô nagaláhay. The dog barks. Ginláhay (ginlaháyan) akó sang idô. The dog …

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v. /AG-/ to produce a thin high-pitched sound like the cry of snakes, rats, etc.

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A stroke, or catch, by which a wrestler causes his antagonist to lose footing.

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disbelief ENGLISH

The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or …

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reverse ENGLISH

The act of reversing; complete change; reversal; hence, total change in circumstances or character; especially, a change from better to …

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tukís - To open partially a book, curtain, box, etc. See tukíb, sukíb, tokáb, ukáb.

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salimbagat CEBUANO

salimbágat n k. o. vine.

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lumper ENGLISH

To gain, as the result of one's efforts; to get, as profit; to make acquisition of; to have accrue or …

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irresoluble ENGLISH

Incapable of being relieved or assisted.

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haematozoa ENGLISH

bungúl - To cut off piece by piece, cut—in pieces,—in lengths. Bungulí sing mga pátdan ang tubó. Cut the sugar-cane …

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redshank ENGLISH

A bare-legged person; -- a contemptuous appellation formerly given to the Scotch Highlanders, in allusion to their bare legs.

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diamide ENGLISH

Any compound containing two amido groups united with one or more acid or negative radicals, -- as distinguished from a …

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