"Hilikuptir" is a word in CEBUANO

hilikuptir CEBUANO

hilikuptir n helicopter.
v [A13; a12] ride on a helicopter.

Few words of positivity

Immortality like this is about as useful as sunscreen on a submarine.

Elizabeth Marx, All's Fair in Vanity's War

Laugh your heart out.

What does a cow like to do by a campfire?Roast Moosmallows!

polycotyledon ENGLISH

A plant that has many, or more than two, cotyledons in the seed.

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rúsa n rose-colored, pink. v [B] be, become rose-colored.

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experience ENGLISH

The effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in; personal and direct impressions …

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pihit3 TAGALOG

pihit3 Passive Verb: ipihit Definition: (verb) to wind; to turn a crank or a shaft

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upland ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to uplands; being on upland; high in situation; as, upland inhabitants; upland pasturage.

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allfours ENGLISH

A game at cards, called \"High, Low, Jack, and the Game.\"

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agastric ENGLISH

Having to stomach, or distinct digestive canal, as the tapeworm.

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kshatruya ENGLISH

The military caste, the second of the four great Hindoo castes; also, a member of that caste. See Caste.

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streak ENGLISH

To stretch; to extend; hence, to lay out, as a dead body.

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holocephali ENGLISH

An order of elasmobranch fishes, including, among living species, only the chimaeras; -- called also Holocephala. See Chimaera; also Illustration …

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lima numeral five. v see tulu. limangkà v [A3; c1] having the legs crossed at the ankles. Mili-mangkà siya sa …

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To give a mental existence to, as to something not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; hence, to pretend; …

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In Scotch law. Jailer or gaoler. 1 Pltc. Crim. Tr. pt. 1, p. 33

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Chains for the hands; shackles

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mistreatment ENGLISH

Wrong treatment.

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masterful ENGLISH

Having the skill or power of a master; indicating or expressing power or mastery.

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kapat-uran HILIGAYNON

kapat-urán - Punctuality, fixedness, fixity, stability; certainty, sureness, exactness, preciseness. (cf. pát-ud).

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ináng - A contraction of inâ nga. Ináng baláy, for: inâ nga baláy. That house.

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slicking ENGLISH

Narrow veins of ore.

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tutpik CEBUANO

tutpik n {1} toothpick. Mu ra ka mag tutpik kaniwánga, You are as thin as a toothpick. {2} variety of …

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