"Heteropod" is a word in ENGLISH

heteropod ENGLISH

One of the Heteropoda.

heteropod ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Trying to get prosperity through prophet offering is running after shadows

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Discipline in the Homeby Wilma Child-Begood

curule ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a chariot.

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butchering ENGLISH

The business of a butcher.

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Two English inns of court, thus called because anciently the dwelling place of the Kuights Templar, on the sup* presslon …

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Specifically, obedience or submission due to parents and superiors.

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operator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, operates or produces an effect.

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helichrysum ENGLISH

A genus of composite plants, with shining, commonly white or yellow, or sometimes reddish, radiated involucres, which are often called …

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The period after the close of life; death.

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capsheaf ENGLISH

The top sheaf of a stack of grain: (fig.) the crowning or finishing part of a thing.

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cowslipped ENGLISH

Adorned with cowslips.

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undecreed ENGLISH

Reversed or nullified by decree, as something previously decreed.

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fairyland ENGLISH

The imaginary land or abode of fairies.

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overlook ENGLISH

Hence: To supervise; to watch over; sometimes, to observe secretly; as, to overlook a gang of laborers; to overlook one …

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enrheum ENGLISH

To contract a rheum.

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abacus ENGLISH

A calculating table or frame; an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires, or counters in grooves, …

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cornist ENGLISH

A performer on the cornet or horn.

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athleticism ENGLISH

The practice of engaging in athletic games; athletism.

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contranatural ENGLISH

Opposed to or against nature; unnatural.

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