"Heteroousian" is a word in ENGLISH

heteroousian ENGLISH

One of those Arians who held that the Son was of a
different substance from the Father.

heteroousian ENGLISH

Having different essential qualities; of a different

Few words of positivity

They were young and gay and the femininity of their teenage years had only recently hardened into the muscle of a competitive sexual economy. Their muscles met the demands of the city, and the city met the demands of their muscles.

Christopher Bollen, Orient

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the poor dog chase his own tail ?He was trying to make both ends meet !

aaron's rod ENGLISH

A rod with one serpent twined around it, thus differing from the caduceus of Mercury, which has two.

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Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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aberration ENGLISH

The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one and the same …

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An agreement between two persons, one of whom has a right of action against the other, that the latter should …

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Acquittance LAW AND LEGAL

In contracts. A writ-ten discharge, whereby one ls freed from an obligation to pay money or perform a duty. It …

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adopter ENGLISH

A receiver, with two necks, opposite to each other, one of which admits the neck of a retort, and the …

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In commercial law. A term used to express the difference in point of value between metallic nnd paper money, or …

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To admit, or come to one mind concerning; to settle; to arrange; as, to agree the fact; to agree differences.

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air sac ENGLISH

One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with …

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Otherwise; otherwise called; -- a term used in legal proceedings to connect the different names of any one who has …

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A usage among dlploma-tlsts by which the rank nnd places of differ-ent powers, who have the same right and pretensions …

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The child of a brother or sister; a cousin; one who has the same grandfather, but different father and mother. …

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amylene ENGLISH

One of a group of metameric hydrocarbons, C5H10, of the ethylene series. The colorless, volatile, mobile liquid commonly called amylene …

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another ENGLISH

Any or some; any different person, indefinitely; any one else; some one else.

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aponeurosis ENGLISH

Any one of the thicker and denser of the deep fasciae which cover, invest, and the terminations and attachments of, …

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Arbitration LAW AND LEGAL

In practice. The investigation and determination of a matter or matters of difference between contending par-ties, by one or more …

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arbitrator ENGLISH

A person, or one of two or more persons, chosen by parties who have a controversy, to determine their differences. …

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ariring ILOKANO

n. difference, especially a slight one. Kasla da la agkabaat ta bassit la ti ariring da. They are like brothers …

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As Against; As Between LAW AND LEGAL

These . words coutrast the relative position of two arsons. with a tacit reference to a different relationship between one …

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In French law. This term signifies one to whom a rlght has been assigned, either by will, glft, sale, exchange, …

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