"Heresiarchy" is a word in ENGLISH

heresiarchy ENGLISH

A chief or great heresy.

Few words of positivity

He thinks you're pretty." Genevieve yawned. "Guys always think you're pretty.""Well people think you look like me," I responded."They're only being nice." Her voice was hurt as she curled closer to me."They aren't being nice. You're beautiful, smart, and you know who you are. You're never afraid of saying what you believe in. I never want you to forget that, Genevieve," I spoke tenderly as I watched her eyes start to sag. "I love you, Genevieve.

Ottilie Weber, Beneath the Scars

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.

accessary ENGLISH

Accompanying, as a subordinate; additional; accessory; esp., uniting in, or contributing to, a crime, but not as chief actor. See …

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In criminal law. Con*; tributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime, one who, without being present at; …

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acephalous ENGLISH

Without a leader or chief.

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Acoipitare LAW AND LEGAL

To pay relief to lords of manors. Capitali domino accipitare, i. e., to pay a relief, homage, or obedience to …

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The executive part of government; the persons collectively who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of …

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admiral ENGLISH

A naval officer of the highest rank; a naval officer of high rank, of which there are different grades. The …

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A genus of plants (order Amaryllidaceae) of which the chief species is the maguey or century plant (A. Americana), wrongly …

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In Turkey, a commander or chief officer. It is used also as a title of respect.

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aguráng - (In olden times) Chief, lord, master, Sir. (cf. dátò, ginóo).

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albumin ENGLISH

A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum …

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alisngaw CEBUANO

alisngaw v [A; b6] {1} evaporate, give o? steam. Mualisngaw ang alkuhul, The alcohol will evaporate. Ínit pa diay ang …

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ambrein ENGLISH

A fragrant substance which is the chief constituent of ambergris.

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amharic ENGLISH

The Amharic language (now the chief language of Abyssinia).

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antechamber ENGLISH

A chamber or apartment before the chief apartment and leading into it, in which persons wait for audience; an outer …

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anthracene ENGLISH

A solid hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2H2.C6H4, which accompanies naphthalene in the last stages of the distillation of coal tar. Its chief use …

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In early feudal law. A confidential vassal. A term applied to the followers or dependents of the ancient Ger-man chiefs, …

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Chief; eminent; greatest; principal.

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A prefix signifying chief, as in archbuilder, archfiend.

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archangel ENGLISH

A chief angel; one high in the celestial hierarchy.

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