"Helvetian" is a word in ENGLISH

helvetian ENGLISH

A Swiss; a Switzer.

helvetian ENGLISH

Same as Helvetic.

Few words of positivity

Why we are hanging around with inequality concept every day, it is like comparing water with the bread.


Laugh your heart out.

Daddy, daddy, can I have another glass of water, please? But that's the tenth one I've given you tonight! Yes, but the baby's bedroom is still on fire.

allecret ENGLISH

A kind of light armor used in the sixteenth century, esp. by the Swiss.

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banneret ENGLISH

A civil officer in some Swiss cantons.

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canton ENGLISH

A small territorial district; esp. one of the twenty-two independent states which form the Swiss federal republic; in France, a …

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chalet ENGLISH

A summer cottage or country house in the Swiss mountains; any country house built in the style of the Swiss …

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grisons ENGLISH

Inhabitants of the eastern Swiss Alps.

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grisons ENGLISH

The largest and most eastern of the Swiss cantons.

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landamman ENGLISH

A chief magistrate in some of the Swiss cantons.

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mountainous ENGLISH

Full of, or containing, mountains; as, the mountainous country of the Swiss.

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paracelsian ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or in conformity with, the practice of Paracelsus, a Swiss physician of the 15th century.

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pestalozzian ENGLISH

Belonging to, or characteristic of, a system of elementary education which combined manual training with other instruction, advocated and practiced …

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Plebiscite LAW AND LEGAL

In modern constltutlonal law, the name "plebiscite" has been given to a vote of the entire people, (that ls, the …

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The name for numerous simple, but very irregular, melodies of the Swiss mountaineers, blown on a long tube called the …

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sapsago ENGLISH

A kind of Swiss cheese, of a greenish color, flavored with melilot.

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senate ENGLISH

The upper and less numerous branch of a legislature in various countries, as in France, in the United States, in …

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Of or pertaining to Switzerland, or the people of Switzerland.

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A native or inhabitant of Switzerland; a Switzer; the people of Switzerland.

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switzer ENGLISH

A native or inhabitant of Switzerland; a Swiss.

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vaudois ENGLISH

An inhabitant, or the inhabitants, of the Swiss canton of Vaud.

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To sing in a manner common among the Swiss and Tyrolese mountaineers, by suddenly changing from the head voice, or …

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A song sung by yodeling, as by the Swiss mountaineers.

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