"Helispherical" is a word in ENGLISH

helispherical ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Bfore Venus, censorious; before Mars, timid.

Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument With Historical Illustrations

Laugh your heart out.

A red-faced judge convened court after a long lunch. The first case involved a man charged with drunk driving who claimed it simply wasn't true."I'm as sober as you are, your honor," the man claimed.The judge replied, "Clerk, please enter a guilty plea. The defendant is sentenced to 30 days."

acrospire ENGLISH

The sprout at the end of a seed when it begins to germinate; the plumule in germination; -- so called …

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air vessel ENGLISH

A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the …

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angienchyma ENGLISH

Vascular tissue of plants, consisting of spiral vessels, dotted, barred, and pitted ducts, and laticiferous vessels.

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anisopleura ENGLISH

A primary division of gastropods, including those having spiral shells. The two sides of the body are unequally developed.

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antidromous ENGLISH

Changing the direction in the spiral sequence of leaves on a stem.

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antlia ENGLISH

The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects. See Lepidoptera.

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A carpenter's tool for boring holes larger than those bored by a gimlet. It has a handle placed crosswise by …

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awís - The male of the tamburúkò or tibótíbo, a snail with an elongated spiral shell. The snail is edible …

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buckie ENGLISH

A large spiral marine shell, esp. the common whelk. See Buccinum.

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bulimus ENGLISH

A genus of land snails having an elongated spiral shell, often of large size. The species are numerous and abundant …

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A molding, shaft of a column, or any other member of convex, rounded section, made to resemble the spiral twist …

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caracole ENGLISH

A staircase in a spiral form.

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chalaza ENGLISH

A spiral band of thickened albuminous substance which exists in the white of the bird's egg, and serves to maintain …

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The East Indian name for the large spiral shell of several species of sea conch much used in making bangles, …

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cingulum ENGLISH

A distinct girdle or band of color; a raised spiral line as seen on certain univalve shells.

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cochlea ENGLISH

An appendage of the labyrinth of the internal ear, which is elongated and coiled into a spiral in mammals. See …

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cochleated ENGLISH

Having the form of a snail shell; spiral; turbinated.

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A ring, series of rings, or spiral, into which a rope, or other like thing, is wound.

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To wind cylindrically or spirally; as, to coil a rope when not in use; the snake coiled itself before springing.

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To wind itself cylindrically or spirally; to form a coil; to wind; -- often with about or around.

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