"Heir-Looms" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


Such goods and chat-tels as, contrary to the nature of chattels, shall go hy special custom to the heir along with the inheritance, and not to the ex-ecutor. The termination “loom" (Sax.) sig-niflee a limb or member; so that an heir-loom ls nothlng else but a limb or member of the inheritance. They are generally such thlngs as cannot be taken away wlthout damaging or dismembering the freehold; such as deer ln a park, doves ln a cote, deeds and charters, etc. 2 Bl. Comm. 427

Few words of positivity

In the wasteland of metro Boston, at thirteen, fourteen, his big dream had been of a gun to his own head, putting him out of his misery—a misery that by sophomore year of college was indistinguishable from everybody else's.

Garth Risk Hallberg, City on Fire

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the argumentative skunk?He always liked to make a stink!

heirloom ENGLISH

Any furniture, movable, or personal chattel, which by law or special custom descends to the heir along with the inheritance; …

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