"Haye" is a word in ENGLISH


The Egyptian asp or cobra (Naja haje.) It is related to the
cobra of India, and like the latter has the power of inflating its neck
into a hood. Its bite is very venomous. It is supposed to be the snake
by means of whose bite Cleopatra committed suicide, and hence is
sometimes called Cleopatra's snake or asp. See Asp.

Few words of positivity

The point of protesting about 'moral equivalence' is surely not to blur moral choices on ‘our side’. Is it?

Christopher Hitchens, The Quotable Hitchens from Alcohol to Zionism: The Very Best of Christopher Hitchens

Laugh your heart out.

How do you stop squirrels playing football in the garden ?Hide the ball, it drives them nuts !

proteroglypha ENGLISH

A suborder of serpents including those that have permanently erect grooved poison fangs, with ordinary teeth behind them in the …

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