"Haydyam" is a word in CEBUANO

haydyam CEBUANO

haydyam, haydyamp n high jump in an athletic contest.
v [A1; b] perform the high jump.

Few words of positivity

In grief, part of the pain comes from our feeling that we should not suffer so - that it is fundamentally alien to our being, this even though we all suffer, and frequently. Yet we reject suffering as a basic human truth, while greeting joy as integral to our very substance.

Wendy Beckett, Sister Wendy's Meditations on Joy

Laugh your heart out.

First witch: Here's a banana if you can spell it. Second witch: I can spell banana. I just don't know when to stop.


lapat n clothes for home wear. lápaw v [B23; cP] go above or beyond a certain amount. Milá-paw na ang …

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v. /-UM-/ to jump across (a place), to leap over (a place). /MANG-:-EN/ to jump, leap over. /MANGI-: I-/ to …

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samkun CEBUANO

samkun v {1} [A3N2] be in the early stages of pregnancy. Ug musamkun (manamkun) ku, kasukaun ku, If I get …

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sangku CEBUANO

sangkù v {1} [A2; ac] reach, arrive at a point in time or place. Kining dalána musangkù sa subà, This …

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tugpa v {1} [B346; b6] for s.t. that flies to land. Mitugpa ang salampáti sa atup, The dove alighted on …

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