"Hawhaw" is a word in HILIGAYNON, ENGLISH, CEBUANO

hawhaw ENGLISH

To laugh boisterously.


háwhaw - Formed complete, properly
developed, not premature. Sa limá kamí
nga magulútud tátlo ang háwhaw duhá
ang hár-as. Of our five brothers and sisters
three were born properly developed and
two prematurely. (cf. hár-as—to miscarry).

hawhaw CEBUANO

hawhaw a for the stomach to be empty.
v [B6; b4] for the stomach to feel empty.
Naghawhaw ákung tiyan kay wà ku mamáhaw, My stomach feels empty because I didnt have break-fast.
Gihawháwan ku sa ákung tíyan, My stomach feels empty.

hawhaw CEBUANO

hawhaw = hagawhaw.

Few words of positivity

For a great many people, the evening is the most enjoyable part of the day. Perhaps, then, there is something to his advice that I should cease looking back so much, that I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains of my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished?

Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day

Laugh your heart out.

A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet over his head.'Are you here as a ghost ?' asked his friends'No, I'm an undercover agent".

daguuk CEBUANO

dagúuk n steady roaring sound made by the rushing of water, machines in a distance, roar of a crowd, the …

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emptiness ENGLISH

The state of being empty; absence of contents; void space; vacuum; as, the emptiness of a vessel; emptiness of the …

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Containing nothing; not holding or having anything within; void of contents or appropriate contents; not filled; -- said of an …

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hagnaw CEBUANO

hagnaw a uneasy feeling of coldness and emptiness in ones stom-ach. Paimna kug ínit kay hagnaw kaáyu ning ákung tiyan …

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hálwos - (B) To have a sinking sensation due to hunger or exhaustion, feel hungry, exhausted, famished. Nagahálwos ang solóksolók …

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hápyot - To be famished, weak, hungry, have an empty stomach. Nagahápyot ang ákon solóksolók. I am famished—or—My stomach is …

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hawà a {1} devoid of, lacking s.t. completely. Hawà ang kwartu human panguhái sa mwiblis, The room was bare after …

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hawa-hawa HILIGAYNON

hawá-hawá - To get exhausted, feel empty (of stomach). Nagahawáhawá ang ginháwa ko, kay ginagútum akó. I am getting quite …

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haw-ang CEBUANO

haw-ang a {1} empty. Haw-ang ang balay nga way mwiblis, A house was empty because it had no furniture. Haw-ang …

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haw-as CEBUANO

haw-as v {1} [A; c1] remove things from a confined space with-out moving the container. Haw-ásun ba ang sinínà gíkan …

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hílab n empty or smarting sensation in the stomach caused by hunger, fear, or acidity. v [B46; a4b4] feel a …

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hílab - (H) To have an empty stomach, feel a sinking sensation in the stomach on account of hunger, fear, …

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hilwak-hilwak HILIGAYNON

hilwák-hílwak - Dim. and Freq. of hílwak. Mapahúay akó ánay, kay nagahilwákhílwak na ang ákon solóksolók. I am going to …

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hungkag CEBUANO

hungkag v [B] {1} for s.t. spacious to look empty. Nagkahungkag ang balay kay gianam pagpamaligyà ang mga kabtángan, The …

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lúpiak - A small shallow depression or hollow basin; to form a small depression in ground, etc. Nagalúpiak dirí ang …

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mahílab - (H) Empty of stomach, feeling a turning of the stomach due to hunger, fear, a severe shock or …

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payag n hut, small house constructed of light materials. may táwu na ang for a girl to have a sweetheart. …

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piyak a for the stomach or flank of an animal to be thin, not full. Pasabsába ang kábaw kay piyak …

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píyas a for s.t. which was full to be without its contents and flat and crinkled. Dì na píyas ang …

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subúk - Hungry, empty (of stomach). (cf. gutúm, ginagútum).

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