"Hawayan" is a word in CEBUANO

hawayan CEBUANO

hawáyan n {1} Hawaiian dress having colorful designs.
{2} Hawaiian music or dance.
{3} Hawaiian pineapple.
v {1} [A1] wear Hawaiian cloth.
{2} [A] dance Hawaiian dance.

Few words of positivity

Also, though not over-elderly, he was not over-young.

Nikolai Gogol, Dead Souls

Laugh your heart out.

Two men were out hunting when one of them saw a rabbit. "Quick," said the first, "shoot it." "I can't," said the second. "My gun isn't loaded." "Well," said the first," you know that, and I know that, but the rabbit doesn't."

hulahula CEBUANO

hulahúla (not without l) n hula-hula, a Hawaiian dance per-formed by women. v [AC12; c1] dance, do the hula-hula.

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