"Havenage" is a word in ENGLISH

havenage ENGLISH

Harbor dues; port dues.

Few words of positivity

instead of mourning, instead of a moment of silence or a hateful, islamophobic message, how about today we make the world a little brighter?be kinder. be a little gentler, with yourself and others. take more pictures. tell more jokes. be a better human.today is a lot more than a tragedy. today is a birthday. a day of suicide awareness. a wedding. a birth. a new job. today is a kiss and someone on a tarred over warehouse roof whispering about the day the earth stood still and the day it began spinning again.be kind. just be kind. it's time we took this day back for the wild ones, for the fiery eyes, for the happy and the brave and the new. no more mourning. let it just be a sunday.

Taylor Rhodes, calloused: a field journal

Laugh your heart out.

Two parrots are sitting on a perch. The first one says to the other "can you smell fish?".


Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely; having least fitness; as, he is the last …

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ribéte - (Sp. ribete) Galloon, band, ribbon, narrow lace, etc. such as is sewn around the cuffs of a sleeve …

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ciliata ENGLISH

One of the orders of Infusoria, characterized by having cilia. In some species the cilia cover the body generally, in …

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To send whirling or whizzing through the air; to throw with violence; to drive with great force; as, to hurl …

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ipot-ipot HILIGAYNON

ipót-ípot - Fire-fly, fern-beetle, glowworm. (cf. aninípot, angingípot).

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puling CEBUANO

púling n foreign body or matter in the eye or eyes. v [A12; a3b4] have a foreign body in the …

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Consuming one's self or itself.

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irradiance ENGLISH

Alt. of Irradiancy

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A ball of wood or other material used for rolling on a level surface in play; a ball of hard …

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phthisiology ENGLISH

A treatise on phthisis.

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nilotic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the river Nile; as, the Nilotic crocodile.

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conspiracy ENGLISH

An agreement, manifesting itself in words or deeds, by which two or more persons confederate to do an unlawful act, …

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sedimentary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to sediment; formed by sediment; containing matter that has subsided.

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masigka- - A prefix denoting equality of condition, e.g. masigkatáo—a man like ourselves, a fellow-man, neighbour. (cf. isigka—).

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To place in huts; to live in huts; as, to hut troops in winter quarters.

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chaperon ENGLISH

To attend in public places as a guide and protector; to matronize.

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halón - Shadow. (cf. háron, hándong, lámbung, lándong).

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considerator ENGLISH

One who considers.

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