"Hamoy" is a word in HILIGAYNON


hamóy - To run one’s hand down the face
as after a swim or bath. Ang bátà nga
nagsálum naghamóy sang íya nawóng
sang pagbútwà níya. The boy that dived
into the water ran his hand over his face on
coming to the surface. Ihamóy ang pólbos
sa nawóng mo. Rub the powder over your
face with your hand. Hamoyí ang nawóng
sang bátà sing túbig, kay mahígkò. Wash
the baby’s face with water, for it is dirty. (cf.
lám-os, hilám-os, hunáw, hináw, húgas).

Few words of positivity

Pictures must not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Laugh your heart out.

That tornado damage your cow barn any?Dunno. Haven't found the durn thing yet!


v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be joined or placed together facing each other (e.g. hands, plates, shells), to be …

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atubang CEBUANO

atubang v {1} [A; c1] face towards. Sígi ka lang nag-atubang sa ispíhu, Youre always looking at yourself in (lit. …

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bisá - (Sp. besar) To kiss (the hand); a kiss. Bisahí ang íya nga kamót. Kiss his hand. (cf. bésa …

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buffet ENGLISH

A blow with the hand; a slap on the face; a cuff.

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To cover out of sight, either by heaping something over, or by placing within something, as earth, etc.; to conceal …

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The national god of the Philistines, represented with the face and hands and upper part of a man, and the …

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dapulas CEBUANO

dapúlas (from púlas) v {1} [A; c] rub the hand lightly, usually over the face, occasionally, also over other parts …

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The graduated face of a timepiece, on which the time of day is shown by pointers or hands.

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The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to rise at the equinox, or the corresponding point on …

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To make filthy; to defile; to daub; to dirty; to soil; as, to foul the face or hands with mire.

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freckle ENGLISH

A small yellowish or brownish spot in the skin, particularly on the face, neck, or hands.

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grivet ENGLISH

A monkey of the upper Nile and Abyssinia (Cercopithecus griseo-viridis), having the upper parts dull green, the lower parts white, …

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gurutgurut CEBUANO

gurutgurut a rough and covered with fine wrinkles. Gurutgu-rut kaáyu ang ákung mga kamut tungud sa kadúgay nga pag-panglaba, My …

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handkerchief ENGLISH

A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face or hands.

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haplus CEBUANO

haplus (from palus) v {1} [APB12; a] for s.t. which is tied to s.t. or holds it to come o? …

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hapluy CEBUANO

hapluy v [A; a] rub the flat palm over s.t. Naghapluy siya sa palpag níyang buhuk, She is smoothening her …

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hunáw - To wash one’s hands. Naghunáw ka na sang ímo kamót? Have you washed your hands? Hunawí ang bátà. …

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írong - (B) To sniff at, run after, etc. See ílong. Also: to stand together in a group or circle …

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kalapati CEBUANO

kalapáti (not without l) v {1} [A; b5] calk, make s.t. water-tight by filling the seams or cracks. Gikalapatíhan (gikalapáti) …

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kulugpus CEBUANO

kulugpus v [AN; c1] {1} fold the arms in any position with the forearms crossed as a sign of repose. …

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