"Hambalera,—O" is a word in HILIGAYNON

hambalera,—o HILIGAYNON

hambaléra,—o - A great talker, prattler,
gossip, chatterbox, boaster, braggart. (cf.
babáan, wakalán, buraán, palasúgid,
diláan, hadakán).

Few words of positivity

I believe that if you can't agree with how they think, then it's better to learn from their difference.

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe, The Vision

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross a snake and a pig ? A boar constrictor !

anchoretism ENGLISH

The practice or mode of life of an anchoret.

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beware ENGLISH

To avoid; to take care of; to have a care for.

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Quality of being organizable; capability of being organized.

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tagálog - A male Tagalog. (cf. alóg).

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VE. As used in law, this term means inactive; permissive; consisting In endurance or submission, rather than action; and in …

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dairying ENGLISH

The business of conducting a dairy.

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bugtai CEBUANO

bugtai n k. o. small tree of waste places.

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ermined ENGLISH

Clothed or adorned with the fur of the ermine.

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larderer ENGLISH

One in charge of the larder.

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speedfully ENGLISH

In a speedful manner.

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mailúbon - Patient, long-suffering, forbearing, forbearant, enduring, tolerant, tolerating, bearing with, putting up with, overlooking, undergoing pains, trials, etc., without …

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explicable ENGLISH

Capable of being explicated; that may be explained or accounted for; admitting explanation.

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homoiousian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Homoiousians, or their belief.

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pinya WARAY

Pinya - lover; common-law wife/husband

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requiem ENGLISH

Any grand musical composition, performed in honor of a deceased person.

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exarch ENGLISH

A viceroy; in Ravenna, the title of the viceroys of the Byzantine emperors; in the Eastern Church, the superior over …

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discharge ENGLISH

To release legally from confinement; to set at liberty; as, to discharge a prisoner.

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hematotherma ENGLISH

The warm-blooded vertebrates, comprising the mammals and birds; -- the antithesis to hematocrya.

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A warp having more than two threads passing through each dent or split of the reed.

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multiply ENGLISH

To increase amount of gold or silver by the arts of alchemy.

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