"Halalabon, Halalabon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

halalabon, halalabon HILIGAYNON

halalábon, halalabón - (H) Browse,
grass, fodder, herbage. (cf. hálab,

Few words of positivity

Not one of the learned gentlemen who pretend that the Mosaic laws are filled with justice and intelligence, would live, for a moment, in any country where such laws were in force.

Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses

Laugh your heart out.

What's an extroverted accountant?One who looks at your shoes while he's talking to you instead of his own.

piecer ENGLISH

One who pieces; a patcher.

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cithern ENGLISH
addle-head ENGLISH

Alt. of Addle-pate

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A fissure, cleft, or cavity, as in the earth or other substance.

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eccaleobion ENGLISH

A contrivance for hatching eggs by artificial heat.

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muddle ENGLISH

To waste or misuse, as one does who is stupid or intoxicated.

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spitz dog ENGLISH

A breed of dogs having erect ears and long silky hair, usually white; -- called also Pomeranian dog, and louploup.

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To deprive of the shucks or husks; as, to shuck walnuts, Indian corn, oysters, etc.

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ribald ENGLISH

A low, vulgar, brutal, foul-mouthed wretch; a lewd fellow.

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luzvaldez GAY LINGO

defeated, loser (in relation to a contest), natalo

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To become, or survive as, the widow of.

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trevat ENGLISH

A weaver's cutting instrument; for severing the loops of the pile threads of velvet.

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bedded ENGLISH

Provided with a bed; as, double-bedded room; placed or arranged in a bed or beds.

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singkiribut CEBUANO

singkiríbut n sexual intercourse (coarse slang). v [AC; c1] have sexual intercourse.

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prayerful ENGLISH

Given to prayer; praying much or often; devotional.

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gúlus - (H) Rash, eruption, cluster of small pustules or pimples; to form pustules, etc.; to begin to bear fruit, …

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To drink greedily or swinishly; to drink to excess.

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pinchbeck ENGLISH

Made of pinchbeck; sham; cheap; spurious; unreal.

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bachelor ENGLISH

A person who has taken the first or lowest degree in the liberal arts, or in some branch of science, …

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