"Hain't" is a word in ENGLISH

hain't ENGLISH

A contraction of have not or has not; as, I hain't, he
hain't, we hain't.

Few words of positivity

It was a glorious experience for the children to travel by rail and the panoramic views of Africa through the big glass window in the rear of the last car of the Blue Train, were beyond description. It was just as you would expect it to be, as described in a vintage National Geographic magazine, with springbok and other wild animals abounding. The distance is approximately the same as from New York City to Chicago and took an overnight. Adeline and Lucia talked late into the night as the children tried to hear what was being said. There was a lot of catching up to do, but it had been a long and exhausting day and the next thing they all knew, it was the following morning and the train was approaching Cape Town or Kaapstad in Afrikaans, affectionately known as the “Tavern of the Seas.

Captain Hank Bracker, "Suppresed I Rise"

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Chain Smoker Barbie ...with Surgeon General's warning on box

breastrope ENGLISH
mongolic ENGLISH

tábug = tablug.

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mirma v [B] for the body to reduce. Mumirma ang ímung láwas ug wà kay tulug, You will lose weight …

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acolyctine ENGLISH

An organic base, in the form of a white powder, obtained from Aconitum lycoctonum.

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determinable ENGLISH

Capable of being determined, definitely ascertained, decided upon, or brought to a conclusion.

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cuisine ENGLISH

The kitchen or cooking department.

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karabasa WARAY

Karabasa - squash (plant)

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finlike ENGLISH

Resembling a fin.

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neonomian ENGLISH

One who advocates adheres to new laws; esp. one who holds or believes that the gospel is a new law.

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One who, or that which, directs another in his conduct or course of lifo; a director; a regulator.

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dynamic ENGLISH

Alt. of Dynamical

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To swallow; -- said of fowls.

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In subjection, poverty, or disgrace; as, to be brought low by oppression, by want, or by vice.

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balinghoy CHAVACANO

English: cassava Tagalog: kamoteng-kahoy

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obstructive ENGLISH

Tending to obstruct; presenting obstacles; hindering; causing impediment.

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subjection ENGLISH

The state of being subject, or under the power, control, and government of another; a state of obedience or submissiveness; …

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A helmeted Australian cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus); -- called also funeral cockatoo.

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