"Hagunus" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


hagúnus - The howling, noisy blowing of
wind; to blow, howl, whistle, shriek,
scream, screech (of wind). May hagúnus

sang hángin nga ginapamatián ko. I hear
the howling of the wind. Nagahagúnus ang
hángin. The wind is blowing strongly. (cf.
unús, mádlus).

hagunus CEBUANO

hagúnus = hagúrus.
hagúnuy n a coarse, herbaceous vine found along tidal streams, the roots, flowers, and leaves of which are put to various medic-inal uses: Wedelia biflora.

Few words of positivity

If it weren’t for her setting me free, I may still be a caged bird today, holding my own daughter captive on a shit-laden perch.

Raquel Cepeda, Bird of Paradise: How I Became Latina

Laugh your heart out.

What does an octopus take on a camping trip?Tentacles!

halagayan HILIGAYNON

halagáyan - Place where things are spread or set out, as a table, shelf, ledge, board, etc. (cf. hagáy). hála …

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