"Hagit" is a word in CEBUANO


hágit v {1} [ANC12; b5] challenge to a fight or contest.
Nanghágit siya nákug sukmagay, He challenged me to a fist fight.
{2} [ANC12; c12] invite, tempt one to engage in an unwholesome activity.
Gihágit ku níyag ínum, He tempted me to join him in a drinking spree.
{3} tempt (literary).
Ang manggang hinug mihágit sa ákung kaíbug, The ripe mangoes tempted me.
ma-un a {1} provocative, challenging.
{2} tempting one to engage in s.t.
mahagithagítun a = ma-un, 1.

Few words of positivity

Viewed from a holistic ecological perspective, some meat - such as conscientiously hunted animals - involves less suffering and environmental damage than arable agriculture, while both of these are significantly less harmful than indiscriminately purchasing meat on the market.

Tristram Stuart

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher:"To which family does the elephant belong ?"Pupil:"I don't know, nobody I know owns one !"


láwas n {1} body of human or animal. taput the clothes on ones back. Ang ákung nasalbr sa súnug ang …

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pasiyal CEBUANO

pasiyal v [ANC12; b6(1)] take a leisurely stroll or ride s.w. Ug mupasiyal (mamasiyal) ka diri, hapit sa báy, If …

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