"Hagan-Hagan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

hagan-hagan HILIGAYNON

hagán-hágan - Dim. and Freq. of hágan.
Also adjective: Lightened, eased, bearable,
sufferable, supportable, tolerable,
endurable. Masakít pa ang pilás mo?—
Húo, ápang hagánhágan na. Is your
wound still painful?—Yes, but it is bearable
now. (cf. gaángáan).

Few words of positivity

Every person with ADHD already knows that destination addiction is part of their disorder. However, if it doesn’t have a positive outlet, it can destroy your life. It is not another person that will make your life better; it is the qualities in them that you admire. Incorporate those attributes into your own life and you won’t miss a thing.

Shannon L. Alder

Laugh your heart out.

If athletes get athlete's foot, then what do astronauts get? Missile toe.

gaan-gaan HILIGAYNON

gaán-gáan - (B) Abatement, decrease, mitigation; to diminish, ease, lighten, make less; to be or become tolerable, bearable, easier to …

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