"Habere Facias Fossessionem" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Habere Facias Fossessionem LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. That you cause to have possession. The name of the process commonly resorted to by the successful party in an action of ejectment, for the purpose of being placed by the sheriff ln tbe actual possession of the land recovered. It is commonly termed sim-ply “habere facias:* or “hab. fa.**

Few words of positivity

I look at my grandparents and what they dealt with in the Japanese internment in Arizona. That sense of perseverance, of making the best out of an incredibly bad situation, has always been something I drew inspiration from. I always ask myself, 'What in the world do I have to complain about?'

Scott Fujita

Laugh your heart out.

A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say, "That's not it" and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army. The soldier picked it up, smiled and said, "That's it."

For a term which has passed, words In the Latin form of the writ of entry employed at common law …

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Lat. n. Goods; property; possessions. In the Roman law. this term was used to designate all species of property, real, …

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broker ENGLISH

An agent employed to effect bargains and contracts, as a middleman or negotiator, between other persons, for a compensation commonly …

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A group of individuals ranked together as possessing common characteristics; as, the different classes of society; the educated class; the …

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In Scotch law. Land possessed in common by different proprietors, or by those having acquired rights of servitude. Belt

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communicate ENGLISH

To share or participate; to possess or enjoy in common; to have sympathy.

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communism ENGLISH

A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the …

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community ENGLISH

Common possession or enjoyment; participation; as, a community of goods.

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The name of an ancient officer ot the common law, whose office and functions are continued iu modern Eugllsh aud …

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Court Of Chancery LAW AND LEGAL

A court having the jurisdiction of a chancellor; a court administering equity and proceeding accord-tag to the forms and principles …

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De Quarantina Habenda LAW AND LEGAL

At common law, a writ which a widow entitled to quarantine might sue out in case the heir or other …

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De Redisseisina LAW AND LEGAL

writ of redisseisin. A writ which lay where a man recovered by assise of novel disseisin land, rent, or com-mon, …

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detainer ENGLISH

The keeping possession of what belongs to another; detention of what is another's, even though the original taking may have …

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discommunity ENGLISH

A lack of common possessions, properties, or relationship.

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encroach ENGLISH

To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to …

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guarantee ENGLISH

In law and common usage: to undertake or engage for the payment of (a debt) or the performance of (a …

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To possess corporally. “No one, at common law, was sald to have or to be in possession of land, unless …

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officer. Any officer of the United States who holds his appointment under the national government, whether his duties are executive …

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mutual ENGLISH

Possessed, experienced, or done by two or more persons or things at the same time; common; joint; as, mutual happiness; …

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Pertaiuing or relating to a nation as a whole; commonly applied in American law to institutions, laws, or af-fairs of …

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