"Gynocracy" is a word in ENGLISH

gynocracy ENGLISH

Female government; gynecocracy.

Few words of positivity

Butterfly causing a tsunami with on beat of its wing.

Michelle Dalton, Fifteenth Summer

Laugh your heart out.

Who surfs the Net by pecking at the keyboard?www.oody www.oodpecker.

gynecocracy ENGLISH

Government by a woman, female power; gyneocracy.

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idukar CEBUANO

idukar v [AP; a] {1} educate. Idukahun sa gubyirnu ang mga wáy alámag, The government will educate the illiterates. {2} …

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impliyar CEBUANO

impliyar v {1} [A2; b(1)] get employment. Nakaimpliyar siya sa gubyirnu, He was employed in the government service. Mauy impliyari …

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pinsiyun CEBUANO

pinsiyun n {1} pension. {2} allowance given to a son or daughter with a family of his own. v [A; …

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A woman who governs and teaches a school; a female school-teacher.

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