"Guzzled" is a word in ENGLISH

guzzled ENGLISH

of Guzzle

Few words of positivity

The people of the world genuinely want peace. Some day the leaders of the world are going to have to give in and give it to them.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Laugh your heart out.

St Peter is standing at heaven's gate when a man walks up."Welcome to heaven my son. What did you do with your life?""I was a policeman," he responded."What kind of policeman?" St Peter asked."I was a vice officer. I kept dangerous narcotics out of the hands of kids.""Wonderful my son, welcome to heaven. Pass through the gates."A few moments later a second man walks up."Welcome to heaven my son. What did you do with your life?""I was a policeman," he responded."What kind of policeman?" St Peter asked."I was a traffic officer. I kept the roads and highways safe for travelers.""Well done. Pass through the gates into paradise."A few moments later a third man walks up."Welcome to heaven my son. What did you do with your life?""I was a policeman," he responded."What kind of policeman?" St Peter asked."I was a Military Policeman, Sir.""Excellent my son, I have to leave for a bit, watch the gate will you?"

guzzle ENGLISH

To swallow liquor greedily; to drink much or frequently.

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guzzle ENGLISH

To swallow much or often; to swallow with immoderate gust; to drink greedily or continually; as, one who guzzles beer.

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guzzle ENGLISH

An insatiable thing or person.

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haróthot - To guzzle, quaff, to drink in long and copious draughts, gulp down. Haróthotá lang iníng tubâ nga sa …

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ingurgitate ENGLISH

To swallow, devour, or drink greedily or in large quantity; to guzzle.

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ingurgitate ENGLISH

To guzzle; to swill.

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inúm - To drink, imbibe, quaff, swig, swill, drain the cup, bib, guzzle. Imna iní. Drink this. Imni iníng bíno …

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láklak - To lap, lick up, swill, guzzle, gulp, gobble, swallow down, eat and drink, as dogs and pigs, etc. …

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óng-ong - To sip, drink, swill, guzzle, absorb, imbibe (from an oblong, rather narrow-necked vessel, as from a pasók, salúd, …

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táyhong - A large draught, drink, potion, pull; to drink greedily, take a large (long) draught, to guzzle, gulp, toss …

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