"Gubirnur" is a word in CEBUANO

gubirnur CEBUANO

gubirnur = gubirnadur.

Few words of positivity

What does not destroy me makes me strong.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Americans does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: Two. One to replace it and one to tell him it was burned out (in states that still have car-inspection laws.) A: Three. One to stand on the ladder, and two to carry enough light bulbs until one is found that isn't defective. A: 250,000,000, one to change it and 249,999,999 to debate whether it it was politically correct.

batten ENGLISH

To grow fat; to grow fat in ease and luxury; to glut one's self.

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A genus of small beetles, of which one species (the grapevine Fidia, F. longipes) is very injurious to vines in …

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kapetéra - (Sp. cafetéra) Coffee-pot.

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kulámò - To hurt, cause physical pain by pushing, grasping tightly, striking, boxing, pinching, etc. Indì ka magkulámò sa íya. …

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íbok - The snout of a pig, proboscis, (cf. hingódhingód).

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sabbatarian ENGLISH

A strict observer of the Sabbath.

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rectorate ENGLISH

The office, rank, or station of a rector; rectorship.

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assumption ENGLISH

The minor or second proposition in a categorical syllogism.

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unappropriate ENGLISH

Not appropriated.

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kadata ILOKANO

var. of KANYATA.

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To push or urge forward with impetuosity or violence; to hurry forward.

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medina epoch ENGLISH

A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, …

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n. procession especially a religious one. v. /AG-/ to go around, to have a procession. /MANGI-: I-/ to take around. …

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To try to reach or come to; to go to; to resort to.

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overrich ENGLISH

Exccessively rich.

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parasite ENGLISH

An animal which steals the food of another, as the parasitic jager.

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lady's comb ENGLISH

An umbelliferous plant (Scandix Pecten-Veneris), its clusters of long slender fruits remotely resembling a comb.

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fawner ENGLISH

One who fawns; a sycophant.

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