"Grudger" is a word in ENGLISH

grudger ENGLISH

of Grudge

Few words of positivity

He who loves lies suffers from no disease than lies! He who believes in and acts upon lies suffers from no disease than ignorance!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Laugh your heart out.

With the divorce rate so high in America, a new organization has beenformed called "Marriage Anonymous." Whenever a guy feels like gettingmarried, they send over a woman with crulers in her hair, cream on herface and wearing a torn housecoat to nag him out of it.


agutílò - Resentment, grudge, ill-will, antipathy; to have—, entertain—, harbour—, a grudge, etc. May agutílò or nagaagutílò siá sa ákon. …

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aligotgot HILIGAYNON

aligótgot - Resentment, ill feeling, grudge, anger, animosity, umbrage, pique, ill—, bad—, blood, ill-will, to bear—, owe—, a grudge, harbour …

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alingit, alingit HILIGAYNON

alíngit, alingít - Resentment, grudge, illwill, ill-feeling; to resent, nurse resentment, bear a grudge. (cf. aligótgot, ákig, gulut-ánon).

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begrudge ENGLISH

To grudge; to envy the possession of.

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disgústo - (Sp. disgusto) Disgust, repugnance, dislike, aversion, displeasure; to disgust, offend, dislike, displease, annoy, vex, bother, fret, irritate, tire, …

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To deal out in small portions; to distribute, as a dole; to deal out scantily or grudgingly.

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dumút - Hatred, hate, spite, odium, antipathy, aversion, spleen, acrimony, detestation, animosity, enmity; to hate, abominate, detest, bear malice. May …

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envious ENGLISH

Feeling or exhibiting envy; actuated or directed by, or proceeding from, envy; -- said of a person, disposition, feeling, act, …

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To feel envy on account of; to have a feeling of grief or repining, with a longing to possess (some …

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Chagrin, mortification, discontent, or uneasiness at the sight of another's excellence or good fortune, accompanied with some degree of hatred …

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To be filled with envious feelings; to regard anything with grudging and longing eyes; -- used especially with at.

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One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy.

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gruddger ENGLISH

One who grudges.

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grudge ENGLISH

Sullen malice or malevolence; cherished malice, enmity, or dislike; ill will; an old cause of hatred or quarrel.

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grudge ENGLISH

To feel compunction or grief.

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grudge ENGLISH

To be covetous or envious; to show discontent; to murmur; to complain; to repine; to be unwilling or reluctant.

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grudge ENGLISH

To look upon with desire to possess or to appropriate; to envy (one) the possession of; to begrudge; to covet; …

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grudge ENGLISH

To hold or harbor with malicioua disposition or purpose; to cherish enviously.

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grudge ENGLISH

Slight symptom of disease.

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grudgeful ENGLISH

Full of grudge; envious.

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