"Grotesgue" is a word in ENGLISH

grotesgue ENGLISH

Like the figures found in ancient grottoes; grottolike;
wildly or strangely formed; whimsical; extravagant; of irregular forms
and proportions; fantastic; ludicrous; antic.

Few words of positivity

The only thing I regret about my life is the length of it. If I had to live my life again I'd make all the same mistakes - only sooner.

Tallulah Bankhead

Laugh your heart out.

If an electric train travels 90 miles an hour in a westerly direction and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction is the smoke blowing?There is no smoke from an electric train!


Lat. Lamb of God. A piece of white wax, in a flat, oval form, like a small cake, stamped with …

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apán - A full-grown locust. (cf. palakúkwan—a young locust beginning to grow wings, but not yet able to fly; tárik—a …

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atsa n {2} grade in the seventies (so called because a figure 7 looks like an axe).

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bát-ol - Having a large stone and little pulp, said of fruits like plums, lúmboy and the like; figuratively: dull, …

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capricorn ENGLISH

A southern constellation, represented on ancient monuments by the figure of a goat, or a figure with its fore part …

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Any card of the suit of cards having a figure like the trefoil or clover leaf. (pl.) The suit of …

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comparison ENGLISH

A figure by which one person or thing is compared to another, or the two are considered with regard to …

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correspond ENGLISH

To be like something else in the dimensions and arrangement of its parts; -- followed by with or to; as, …

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crucifix ENGLISH

A representation in art of the figure of Christ upon the cross; esp., the sculptured figure affixed to a real …

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dágway - (H) Form, figure, image, likeness, appearance, outline, shape, species, conformation, cut, contour, look, aspect, phase, seeming, guise, semblance. …

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diamonded ENGLISH

Having figures like a diamond or lozenge.

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domain ENGLISH

The territory over which dominion or authority is exerted; the possessions of a sovereign or commonwealth, or the like. Also …

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In a low or the lowest position, literally or figuratively; at the bottom of a decent; below the horizon; of …

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From a higher to a lower position, literally or figuratively; in a descending direction; from the top of an ascent; …

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effigy ENGLISH

The image, likeness, or representation of a person, whether a full figure, or a part; an imitative figure; -- commonly …

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To produce, as figures or designs, on mental, glass, or the like, by means of lines or strokes eaten in …

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figurine ENGLISH

A very small figure, whether human or of an animal; especially, one in terra cotta or the like; -- distinguished …

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gubà v [A3P; a1] {1} destroy, wreck, put out of order. Ang tambuk naggubà sa ímung pigúra, Fat is ruining …

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heterosis ENGLISH

A figure of speech by which one form of a noun, verb, or pronoun, and the like, is used for …

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The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light …

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