"Gregarious" is a word in ENGLISH

gregarious ENGLISH

Habitually living or moving in flocks or herds; tending
to flock or herd together; not habitually solitary or living alone.

Few words of positivity

There are plenty of eyewitness accounts, just because you're so narrow-minded you need to have everything shoved under your nose before you-

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Laugh your heart out.

A fellow finds himself in front of the Pearly Gates. St. Peter explains that its not so easy to get in heaven. There are some criteria before entry is allowed.For example, was the man religious in life? Attend church? No? St. Peter told him that's bad.Was he generous? give money to the poor? Charities? No? St. Peter told him that that too was bad.Did he do any good deeds? Help his neighbor? Anything? No? St. Peter was becoming concerned.Exasperated, Peter says, "Look, everybody does something nice sometime. Work with me, I'm trying to help. Now think!" The man says, "There was this old lady. I came out of a store and found her surrounded by a dozen Hell's Angels. They had taken her purse and were shoving her around, taunting and abusing her.I got so mad I threw my bags down, fought through the crowd, and got her purse back. I then helped her to her feet. I t hen went up to the biggest, baddest biker and told him how despicable, cowardly and mean he was and then spat in his face". "Wow", said Peter, "That's impressive. When did this happen"? "Oh, about 10 minutes ago", replied the man.


To ask alms or charity, especially to ask habitually by the wayside or from house to house; to live by …

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custom ENGLISH

Frequent repetition of the same act; way of acting common to many; ordinary manner; habitual practice; usage; method of doing …

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Course of living or nourishment; what is eaten and drunk habitually; food; victuals; fare.

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One's own dwelling place; the house in which one lives; esp., the house in which one lives with his family; …

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To act habitually in conformity with; to practice.

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To spend, as one's life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually; as, to live an idle …

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Capable of living without light; as, nonphotobiotic plant cells, or cells which habitually live in darkness.

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tubicolae ENGLISH

A division of annelids including those which construct, and habitually live in, tubes. The head or anterior segments usually bear …

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water spider ENGLISH

Any spider that habitually lives on or about the water, especially the large American species (Dolomedes lanceolatus) which runs rapidly …

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