"Gregarian" is a word in ENGLISH

gregarian ENGLISH

Gregarious; belonging to the herd or common sort;

Few words of positivity

Miniture protoplasm, the dirty little bastard!

Richard Matheson, I Am Legend

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?Bamboo.

nandito TAGALOG

nandito Definition: (adv) it is here; here 2 Definition: (var) narito

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timothy ENGLISH

Alt. of Timothy grass

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palmipedes ENGLISH

Same as Natatores.

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gustoso ENGLISH

Tasteful; in a tasteful, agreeable manner.

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countervail ENGLISH

Power or value sufficient to obviate any effect; equal weight, strength, or value; equivalent; compensation; requital.

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blancmange ENGLISH

A preparation for desserts, etc., made from isinglass, sea moss, cornstarch, or other gelatinous or starchy substance, with mild, usually …

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hudiya CEBUANO

Hudíya n Judea.

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basaltiform ENGLISH

In the form of basalt; columnar.

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postliminium ENGLISH

Alt. of Postliminy

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unheired ENGLISH

Destitute of an heir.

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reptile ENGLISH

Creeping; moving on the belly, or by means of small and short legs.

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carrion ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to dead and putrefying carcasses; feeding on carrion.

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water newt ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of aquatic salamanders; a triton.

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gloxinia ENGLISH

American genus of herbaceous plants with very handsome bell-shaped blossoms; -- named after B. P. Gloxin, a German botanist.

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statutory ENGLISH

Enacted by statute; depending on statute for its authority; as, a statutory provision.

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especially ENGLISH

In an especial manner; chiefly; particularly; peculiarly; in an uncommon degree.

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ignorantly ENGLISH

In a ignorant manner; without knowledge; inadvertently.

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sprinkle ENGLISH

To scatter in small drops or particles, as water, seed, etc.

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