"Gravitate" is a word in ENGLISH

gravitate ENGLISH

To obey the law of gravitation; to exert a force Or
pressure, or tend to move, under the influence of gravitation; to tend
in any direction or toward any object.

Few words of positivity

In any evolutionary process even in the arts the search for novelty becomes corrupting.

Kenneth Boulding

Laugh your heart out.

1st man: "My neighbors were screaming and yelling at three o'clock this morning!"2nd man: "Did they wake you?"1st man: "Nah....I was up playing my bagpipes."

gravitation ENGLISH

That species of attraction or force by which all bodies or particles of matter in the universe tend toward each …

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gravitative ENGLISH

Causing to gravitate; tending to a center.

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levitate ENGLISH

To rise, or tend to rise, as if lighter than the surrounding medium; to become buoyant; -- opposed to gravitate.

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weight ENGLISH

The quality of being heavy; that property of bodies by which they tend toward the center of the earth; the …

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