"Gravely" is a word in ENGLISH

gravely ENGLISH

In a grave manner.

Few words of positivity

And we were in our thirties. Well into the Age of Boredom, when nothing is new. Now, I’m not being self-pitying; it’s simply true. Newness, or whatever you want to call it, becomes a very scarce commodity after thirty. I think that’s unfair. If I were in charge of the human life span, I’d make sure to budget newness much more selectively, to ration it out. As it is now, it’s almost used up in the first three years of life. By then you’ve seen for the first time, tasted for the first time, held something for the first time. Learned to walk, talk, go to the bathroom. What have you got to look forward to that can compare with that? Sure, there’s school. Making friends. Falling in love. Learning to drive. Sex. Learning to trade. That has to carry you for the next twenty-five years. But after that? What’s the new excitement? Mastering your home computer? Figuring out how to work CompuServe? “Now, if it were up to me, I’d parcel out. So that, say, at thirty-five we just learned how to go on the potty. Imagine the feeling of accomplishment! They’d have office parties. "Did you hear? The vice president in charge of overseas development just went a whole week without his diaper. We’re buying him a gift." It’d be beautiful.

Phoef Sutton, Fifteen Minutes to Live

Laugh your heart out.

One day a guy was driving with his 4-year-old daughterand beeped his car horn by mistake.She turned and looked at him for an explanation.He said, "I did that by accident."She replied, "I know that, daddy."He replied, "How'd you know?"The girl said, "Because you didn't say 'ASSHOLE!' afterwards!"


High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound; -- opposed to grave or low; as, an acute tone or …

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amalanhig HILIGAYNON

amalánhig - One who appears after death and haunts houses, etc.; a ghost, spectre, phantom, spirit, shade, wraith, spook, apparition; …

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áni - The rice-harvest; to harvest rice by means of a small rice-cutter called a "kayóg”. Magaáni kamí sa buás. …

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asleep ENGLISH

In the sleep of the grave; dead.

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auxesis ENGLISH

A figure by which a grave and magnificent word is put for the proper word; amplification; hyperbole.

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bahù paniN- {1b} -ng yútà for death to be near (lit. smell of earthhumorous). Nagpanimahù nang yútà ang kansirun, The …

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bálun pa- v {3} [A; c] give a pabálun, 4a, 5. n {4} the custom of throwing earth or gravel …

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bálun n food, money to take along on a trip. Ma, ambi na ang bálun, bi, Mom, can I have …

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baritone ENGLISH

A word which has no accent marked on the last syllable, the grave accent being understood.

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baritone ENGLISH

Not marked with an accent on the last syllable, the grave accent being understood.

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baritone ENGLISH

Grave and deep, as a kind of male voice.

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Deep or grave in sound; as, the base tone of a violin.

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Deep or grave in tone.

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bass drum ENGLISH

The largest of the different kinds of drums, having two heads, and emitting a deep, grave sound. See Bass, a.

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bearer ENGLISH

Specifically: One who assists in carrying a body to the grave; a pallbearer.

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A handbarrow or portable frame on which a corpse is placed or borne to the grave.

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bug-at CEBUANO

bug-at a {1} heavy. {2} di? cult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Di? cult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy …

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búgsò - A part, share, division, piece, small heap of meat, fish, etc.; to divide, portion out, cut in parts, …

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bungdu CEBUANO

bungdù n {1} pile or a heap of s.t. , a mound. Bungdù sa yútà, Pile of dirt. Ang bungdù …

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burial ENGLISH

A grave; a tomb; a place of sepulture.

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