"Gratifier" is a word in ENGLISH

gratifier ENGLISH

One who gratifies or pleases.

Few words of positivity

Mum is a perfectionist and Dad is a pedant and that was partly why their marriage didn't work so well, Elsa figures. Because a perfectionist and a pedant are two very different things.

Fredrik Backman, My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry

Laugh your heart out.

Knock knockWho's there?Banana.Banana who?Knock knockWho's there?Banana.Banana who?Knock knock Who's there?Orange.Orange who?Orange you glad I didn't say banana ?

acceptable ENGLISH

Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an …

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belly-god ENGLISH

One whose great pleasure it is to gratify his appetite; a glutton; an epicure.

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free-liver ENGLISH

One who gratifies his appetites without stint; one given to indulgence in eating and drinking.

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indulge ENGLISH

to yield to the desire of; to gratify by compliance; to humor; to withhold restraint from; as, to indulge children …

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indulge ENGLISH

To indulge one's self; to gratify one's tastes or desires; esp., to give one's self up (to); to practice a …

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pahamúot - To please, content, delight, gratify, satisfy, gain one’s good will, give or afford pleasure, be pleasing to, give …

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pleaser ENGLISH

One who pleases or gratifies.

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self-denial ENGLISH

The denial of one's self; forbearing to gratify one's own desires; self-sacrifice.

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self-denying ENGLISH

Refusing to gratify one's self; self-sacrificing.

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One who seeks for things which gratify merely himself; a selfish person; a selfist.

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