"Gothite" is a word in ENGLISH

gothite ENGLISH

Alt. of Goethite

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"

stythe ENGLISH

gapús - Fetter, shackle, manacle, gyve, bonds, chain, handcuff, string, cord; fettered, bound, shackled, etc.

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kating ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to have leprosy, to be leprous. Saan ka nga umasideg kanyana ta agkatil. Don’t go near him for …

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daintily ENGLISH

In a dainty manner; nicely; scrupulously; fastidiously; deliciously; prettily.

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lactamide ENGLISH

An acid amide derived from lactic acid, and obtained as a white crystalline substance having a neutral reaction. It is …

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An exception; a reservation; an excuse.

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As designating a commodity or a subject of ownership, this term has the same meaning in law as in common …

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penetrate ENGLISH

To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings; to touch with feeling; to make sensible; to move deeply; as, to …

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Connate or coalescent at the base so as to produce a broad foliaceous body through the center of which the …

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consign ENGLISH

To give in charge; to commit; to intrust.

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Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column.

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tickle-footed ENGLISH

Uncertain; inconstant; slippery.

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argutely ENGLISH

In a subtle; shrewdly.

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alikuteg ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ restless, turbulent, mischievous; adept in pilfering. v. /-UM-/.

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morphological ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or according to, the principles of morphology.

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worldly ENGLISH

With relation to this life; in a worldly manner.

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thickskin ENGLISH

A coarse, gross person; a person void of sensibility or sinsitiveness; a dullard.

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plumbean ENGLISH

Alt. of Plumbeous

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A narrow shelf or path between the bottom of a parapet and the ditch.

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