"Gormandizing" is a word in ENGLISH

gormandizing ENGLISH

of Gormandize

Few words of positivity

The world forgets easily, too easily, what it does not like to remember.

Jacob A. Riis

Laugh your heart out.

What happened at the cannibal's wedding party? They toasted the bride and groom.

glutton ENGLISH

One who eats voraciously, or to excess; a gormandizer.

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glutton ENGLISH

Gluttonous; greedy; gormandizing.

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gluttonize ENGLISH

To eat to excess; to eat voraciously; to gormandize.

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gormand ENGLISH

A greedy or ravenous eater; a luxurious feeder; a gourmand.

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gormand ENGLISH

Gluttonous; voracious.

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gormander ENGLISH
gormandize ENGLISH

To eat greedily; to swallow voraciously; to feed ravenously or like a glutton.

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gormandizer ENGLISH

A greedy, voracious eater; a gormand; a glutton.

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gourmand ENGLISH

A greedy or ravenous eater; a glutton. See Gormand.

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guttle ENGLISH

To put into the gut; to swallow greedily; to gorge; to gormandize. [Obs.] L'Estrange.

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hakugán - Avaricious, greedy, covetous, voracious, ravenous, gluttonous; a glutton, gourmand, gormandizer; expensive, costly. (cf. hákug; maámbas).

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lurcation ENGLISH

Gluttony; gormandizing.

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lurcher ENGLISH

A glutton; a gormandizer.

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trencher-man ENGLISH

A feeder; a great eater; a gormandizer.

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