"Gladioluses" is a word in ENGLISH

gladioluses ENGLISH

of Gladiolus

Few words of positivity

Well, I was living it, but a shared dream half-lived is a hollow thing

Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Chosen

Laugh your heart out.

A person turned on the computer without a keyboard plugged in.When she turns on the computer, the computer finds out that there is no keyboard attached and it gives a "Keyboard Error" message.She then asks "Why did it give me a keyboard error?There isn't even a keyboard attached?

gladiate ENGLISH

Sword-shaped; resembling a sword in form, as the leaf of the iris, or of the gladiolus.

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gladiole ENGLISH

A lilylike plant, of the genus Gladiolus; -- called also corn flag.

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gladioli ENGLISH
gladiolus ENGLISH

The middle portion of the sternum in some animals; the mesosternum.

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gladiolus ENGLISH

A genus of plants having bulbous roots and gladiate leaves, and including many species, some of which are cultivated and …

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A little sword or dagger; a kind of sedge. Mat. Paris

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irideous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, a large natural order of endogenous plants (Iridaceae), which includes the genera Iris, Ixia, Crocus, Gladiolus, …

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