"Gil-Ud" is a word in CEBUANO

gil-ud CEBUANO

gil-ud v [A; b5] break s.
s bones.
Gil-urun (gil-uran) ta ka run, Ill break your bones.

Few words of positivity

I earned my famous name.

Brian Wilson

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross a telephone and a marriage bureau ?A wedding ring !


bálbag - To shatter, splinter, crush, fracture, break an arm,—bone,—bamboo, or the like. Balbagá ang kawáyan. Crush the bamboo. Nabálbag …

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balbag CEBUANO

balbag v [A3P; a12] break into pieces due to an impact. Nabal-bag ang bagul nga gimartilyu, The coconut shell got …

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v. /MA-/ [= MABLO], to have a bone broken or a joint dislocated; to have a sprain; hence, to be …

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fracture ENGLISH

The breaking of a bone.

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fracture ENGLISH

To cause a fracture or fractures in; to break; to burst asunder; to crack; to separate the continuous parts of; …

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gapù n {1} driftwood, twigs or bamboo pieces found beside the seashore. {2} weak, easily broken. Hápit na mahugnù ang …

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giplud CEBUANO

giplud, gípud v [A; a2] {1} break o? a tooth or serration. Kin-say naggípud sa gabas? Who broke the teeth …

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lugtì v [AB; a] for s.t. crisp or brittle to break, cause it to do so. Milugtì ang básu nga …

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luslus CEBUANO

luslus v {1} [A; c1] for s.t. that wraps s.t. and is attached to it to slip o? , esp. …

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malacosteon ENGLISH

A peculiar disease of the bones, in consequence of which they become softened and capable of being bent without breaking.

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A species of ichneumon (Herpestes nyula). Its fur is beautifully variegated by closely set zigzag markings. O () O, the …

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ossifragous ENGLISH

Serving to break bones; bone-breaking.

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osteoclasis ENGLISH

The operation of breaking a bone in order to correct deformity.

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páka v [AB12; a] break s.t. o? from the thing to which it is at-tached, become broken o? . Mapáka …

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pitsu n {1} breast of fowl or birds. {2} chest bones, sternum. Balíun ku ang ímung pitsu ug magbinúang ka, …

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refracture ENGLISH

To break again, as a bone.

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refracture ENGLISH

A second breaking (as of a badly set bone) by the surgeon.

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strength ENGLISH

Power to resist force; solidity or toughness; the quality of bodies by which they endure the application of force without …

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