"Germanus" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


Lat. Descended of the same stock, or from the same couple of an-cestors; of the whole or full blood. Mackeld. Rom. Law, f 145

Few words of positivity

There is nothing good or bad, except by comparison" (209) - "Effort is Everything" by Bud Selig

Denzel Washington, A Hand to Guide Me

Laugh your heart out.

A Cowboy was going deer hunting.. His blonde wife said she was going with him.. That they never did anything together.. So, they went.. He put her in a stand by herself.. Later in the morning he heard her shoot.. He went over to her stand and she was pointing her rifle at a guy with a cowboy hat on.. The guy was telling her, Ma'mm, you can have the deer you shot.. I just want to take my saddle off of him!

Consanguineus LAW AND LEGAL

Lat A person re-lated by blood; a person descended from the same common stock

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Materna Maternis LAW AND LEGAL

Lat A max-im of the French law, signifying that prop-erty of a decedent acquired by him through hls mother descends …

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Posteriores LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. Thls term was used by the Romans to denote the descend-ants ln a direct llne beyond tbe sixth degree

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Profectitius LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In the civil law. That which descends to us from our as-cendants. Dig. 23, 3, 5

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Questus Est Nobis LAW AND LEGAL

Lat A writ of nuisance, whicb, by 15 Fdw. I., lay against him to whom a house or other thing …

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Lat. In the civil law. A great-grandson’s or great-granddaughter’s great-grandson. A male descendant in the sixth degree. Inst. 3, 6, …

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Lat. In the civil law. A great-grandson’s or great-granddaughter’s great-granddaughter. A female descendant in the sixth degree. Inst. 3, 6, …

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