"Geography" is a word in ENGLISH

geography ENGLISH

A treatise on this science.

geography ENGLISH

The science which treats of the world and its
inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth,
including its structure, fetures, products, political divisions, and
the people by whom it is inhabited.

Few words of positivity

All ways will lead and take you there as long as you know where you want to go.

Auliq Ice

Laugh your heart out.

My teacher loves me - she puts kisses against all my sums.

chorology ENGLISH

The science which treats of the laws of distribution of living organisms over the earth's surface as to latitude, altitude, …

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geogony ENGLISH

The branch of science which treats of the formation of the earth.

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geological ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to geology, or the science of the earth.

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geoponics ENGLISH

The art or science of cultivating the earth; agriculture.

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hydrology ENGLISH

The science of water, its properties, phenomena, and distribution over the earth's surface.

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palaetiology ENGLISH

The science which explains, by the law of causation, the past condition and changes of the earth.

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paleontology ENGLISH

The science which treats of the ancient life of the earth, or of fossils which are the remains of such …

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physiography ENGLISH

The science which treats of the earth's exterior physical features, climate, life, etc., and of the physical movements or changes …

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selenography ENGLISH

The science that treats of the physical features of the moon; -- corresponding to physical geography in respect to the …

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