"Gathered" is a word in ENGLISH

gathered ENGLISH

of Gather

Few words of positivity

Know that we have met before and that we will meet again. I will find my way to you in the next life, and every life after that.

Mia Hollow

Laugh your heart out.

Years ago, Nebraskans got tired of leaning into the wind, having their top soil blown away, and chickens laying their eggs two and three times. Seems the wind continually came down from Canada, and there was nothing between Canada and Nebraska to stop it. The farmers all got together and decided to build a fence across the North Border of the State of Nebraska. . . . the idea being, to stop that cold wind. It might've worked, too. The barbed wire they used was strong enough, .but the real problem was that a couple owners of farms on the upper boarder kept leaving their gates open.


ábwà - To make or scramble for, gather, collect, lay up. See hábwà id.

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abyadur CEBUANO

abyadur sa lubi n palm toddy gatherer (humorous).

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accoil ENGLISH

To gather together; to collect.

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adlaw gabíi doing s.t. all the time. Adlaw gabíi ang ákung trabáhu, I work day and night. may rang magabíi …

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ág-ag - To separate, cull, pick, weed out. Ag-agá ang mga bató sa balás. Pick out the stones from among …

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agahán - Morning tuba or palm-wine collected from the coconut-palms in the morning. (cf. haponán—tuba gathered in the afternoon or …

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agglomerate ENGLISH

To wind or collect into a ball; hence, to gather into a mass or anything like a mass.

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agglomerative ENGLISH

Having a tendency to gather together, or to make collections.

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to collect, gather, glean, scoop whatever is left. Agsawem amin nga mabalin nga pagtungo. Gather all those that …

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aguáhi - (Sp. aguaje) Tidal wave; the wake of a ship; sea current, stream; impetus, impetuosity, vehemence; to gather force, …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to take, collect or gather inside (usually clothes) (from where they have been placed to dry). Akasem …

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áku (from aku) v [A12] {1} stand to do s.t. Dì ku kaákug tan-aw nímu, I cannot stand to look …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to gather or collect with the hands toward oneself. Inakuy na amin nga kuarta idiay rabaw ti lamisaan. …

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alalamán - That is to—, should—, can—, be studied or learned; knowledge, wisdom, experience (to be gained, gathered, acquired, obtained). …

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alikumkum ILOKANO

v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to gather, put together. Darasem nga alikumkumen dagita pinggan tapno makapan tayon. Gather the plates fast so …

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alirung CEBUANO

alírung v [AB3(1); c] gather around s.t. Nag-alírung ang mga táwu sa sugálan, The people stood around the gambling table. …

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To collect into a mass or heap; to gather a great quantity of; to accumulate; as, to amass a treasure …

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amayung CEBUANO

amáyung a gloomy, lightly overcast. v [B] be or become gloomy, lightly overcast. Muamáyung gánì hipúsa ang binulad nga hu-may, …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ or /MANGI-: I-/ 1. to gather at the edge of table, floor, etc., e.g. dust. 2. to push …

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anthodium ENGLISH

The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into a involucrate head.

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