"Gasap" is a word in CEBUANO


gásap v [A; a12] lop o?
the branches from a tree that has fallen or been cut down and cut them into pieces.

Few words of positivity

Pictures must not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Laugh your heart out.

That tornado damage your cow barn any?Dunno. Haven't found the durn thing yet!

doctrinal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or having to do with, teaching.

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breathlessly ENGLISH

In a breathless manner.

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To waste time in effeminate or voluptuous pleasures, or in idleness; to fool away time; to delay unnecessarily; to tarry; …

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olecranal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the olecranon.

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allicient ENGLISH

To begin; to commence; as, the stock opened at par; the battery opened upon the enemy.

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reconvene ENGLISH

To convene or assemble again; to call or come together again.

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throat ENGLISH

Hence, the passage through it to the stomach and lungs; the pharynx; -- sometimes restricted to the fauces.

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roofing ENGLISH

The wedging, as of a horse or car, against the top of an underground passage.

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mission ENGLISH

Dismission; discharge from service.

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kristu CEBUANO

Kristu name Christ. v [B16; a1] be like Christ. Magkristu ka nga dílì ka man musúkul? Do you want to …

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perpetuity ENGLISH

The number of years in which the simple interest of any sum becomes equal to the principal.

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timekeeper ENGLISH

A person who keeps a record of the time spent by workmen at their work.

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pretertiary ENGLISH

Earlier than Tertiary.

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tinambihan HILIGAYNON

tinambihán - Joined side to side, bordered by (on), bordering on, connected or attached side to side, contiguous. (cf. támbi).

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híbus v [A1B12] for a sack or flexible container to puncture, break so that it loses its contents; cause it …

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arimekmek ILOKANO

n. noise, sound. v. /AG-/ to make a noise or sound, to be noisy. --syn.

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IS. Lat In old Engllsh law. Bread; loaf; a loaf. Fleta, lib. 2, c. 9

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