"Gasang-Gasat" is a word in ILOKANO

gasang-gasat ILOKANO

v. /MAKI-/ to take chances, take the risk, go on an adventure. Mapanak makigasang-gasat diay Manila. I will go take my chances in Manila.

Few words of positivity

Screw the right thing to do. What do you want to do?

Beth Reekles, The Kissing Booth

Laugh your heart out.

Why are there so many piggy banks? Pigs don't like to hide their money in the mattress.

accident ENGLISH

Literally, a befalling; an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event; chance; …

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accidental ENGLISH

Happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not according to the usual course of things; casual; fortuitous; as, an accidental …

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adventure ENGLISH

To try the chance; to take the risk.

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arasti CEBUANO

arasti paN- v [A2; b6(1)] {1} venture to do s.t. which one is incapable of doing satisfactorily. Nangarasti kag gubà …

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bálus v {1} [A3S; b1c] do back to s. o. what he did to the agent. Mibálus akug pahiyum, I …

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básin {1} [so-and-so] might happen but I hope not, lest [so-and-so] happen. Pagdala ug páyung, básig muulan, Take along an …

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chance ENGLISH

To take the chances of; to venture upon; -- usually with it as object.

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gayun v [A12; a3] get the chance to do s.t. Nakagayun kug haluk níya, I got a chance to kiss …

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hanabô - To come to pass, occur, chance, happen, fall out, turn out, take place, befall. Nahanabô nga ——. It …

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That which happens or comes suddenly or unexpectedly; also, the manner of occurrence or taking place; chance; fortune; accident; casual …

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ilagà n {1} rat, mouse. {2} by extension, hamsters. Timáwà pa sa ilagà, Poor as a church mouse. sa Urúpa …

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ínit a {1} hot, warm to the touch. Ínit ang pán, The bread is still warm. Ínit kaáyu sa kwartu, …

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kumkum CEBUANO

kumkum v {1} [A; c1] hold s.t. in the hand with the palm closed. Kumkúma (ikumkum) pag-áyu ang sinsilyu arun …

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kunu short form: nu {1} it is said, s. o. said. Namatay kunu ag pilútu, They say the pilot died. …

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labang CEBUANO

labang v {1} [A; b5c] cross s.t. , go across, bring across. Mula-bang na ta, rid láyit na, Lets cross …

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lastrip CEBUANO

lastrip n {1} last trip of the day by passenger vehicles or trains. {2} ones trip to the cemetery (humorous). …

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lat-ang CEBUANO

lat-ang v {1} [A; b(1)] miss or skip a chance in a series. Ug makalat-ang kag tumar sa tablítas, maburus …

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libun, líbun a solid, not hollow. Líbun ang ligid sa íyang bisiklíta, His bicycle has solid rubber wheels. v {1} …

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lingin CEBUANO

língin a round, circular. Língin kaáyu ang singsing (búla), The ring (ball) is round. ang búla still in the running, …

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A game of chance, played with cards, on which are inscribed numbers, and any contrivance (as a wheel containing numbered …

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