"Fussy" is a word in ENGLISH


Making a fuss; disposed to make an unnecessary ado about
trifles; overnice; fidgety.

Few words of positivity

It's often discouraging sitting working at home, wondering whether to put the heating on, answering the doorbell to the gas board, feeling it's all utterly pointless.

Rachel Johnson

Laugh your heart out.

What do you calll a woman that people sit on ?Cher !


Doing; trouble; difficulty; troublesome business; fuss; bustle; as, to make a great ado about trifles.

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arti n art. Arti sa pamálak, Art of poetry. may, walay be (not be) artistic. May arti siyang mukanta, She …

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buruka CEBUANO

burúka n {1} court case. {2} trouble, argument. Unsay ímung gilahugláhug dinhi. Burúka? What are you roving around here for? …

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To be overbusy or unduly anxious about trifles; to make a bustle or ado.

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kíyaw n {1} k. o. bird that stays on the ground. It is nearly as big as a wild chicken, …

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kuskus CEBUANO

kuskus v [A; a] strum a stringed musical instrument. Kina-hanglang kuskúsun ug kusug ang sista kay bungul, You must strum …

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kuthan CEBUANO

kuthan see kutu. kuti a {1} intricate, requiring close attention and exactness. Kuti kaáyu ang pagburda sa kamut, Hand embroidery …

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kutsukutsu CEBUANO

kutsukutsu v [A; b3] make a lot of fuss, ado about s.t. Nagkut-sukutsu siya kay gamay ra ang íyang báhin, …

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kyawkaw CEBUANO

kyawkaw, kyawkyaw n fussy complaints. Ug mupirma ka, pirma lang. Way daghang kyawkyaw, If you are going to sign the …

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langas CEBUANO

langas a {1} noisy. Langas kaáyu ka nga magtuun, You are very noisy when you study. {2} moving about a …

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lasmu a having the fishy odor of stagnant water or a body of a person who has not bathed in …

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líbug v {1} [A1B1; a2b3(1)] confuse, be confused. Naglíbug kug diin nákù ikabutang ang kwintas, Im at a loss to …

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pudder ENGLISH

To make a tumult or bustle; to splash; to make a pother or fuss; to potter; to meddle.

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