"Funicular" is a word in ENGLISH

funicular ENGLISH

Pertaining to a funiculus; made up of, or resembling, a
funiculus, or funiculi; as, a funicular ligament.

funicular ENGLISH

Consisting of a small cord or fiber.

funicular ENGLISH

Dependent on the tension of a cord.

Few words of positivity

The second direction of prayer lies in us addressing our own circumstances and changing them ourselves

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a solar powered calculator?A: The blonde works in the dark!

funiculus ENGLISH

A short cord which connects the embryo of some myriapods with the amnion.

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funiculus ENGLISH

A cord, baud, or bundle of fibers; esp., one of the small bundles of fibers, of which large nerves are …

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