"Fulmar" is a word in ENGLISH

fulmar ENGLISH

One of several species of sea birds, of the family
procellariidae, allied to the albatrosses and petrels. Among the
well-known species are the arctic fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) (called
also fulmar petrel, malduck, and mollemock), and the giant fulmar
(Ossifraga gigantea).

Few words of positivity

...they ain't never met nobody they didn't lie to and steal from.

James Baldwin, If Beale Street Could Talk

Laugh your heart out.

How long does it take to burn a candle down ?About a wick !

mollemoke ENGLISH

Any one of several species of large pelagic petrels and fulmars, as Fulmarus glacialis, of the North Atlantic, and several …

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stinker ENGLISH

Any one of the several species of large antarctic petrels which feed on blubber and carrion and have an offensive …

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