"Frugal" is a word in ENGLISH

frugal ENGLISH

Economical in the use or appropriation of resources; not
wasteful or lavish; wise in the expenditure or application of force,
materials, time, etc.; characterized by frugality; sparing; economical;
saving; as, a frugal housekeeper; frugal of time.

frugal ENGLISH

Obtained by, or appropriate to, economy; as, a frugal

Few words of positivity

Before he sets out the traveller must possess fixed interests and facilities to be served by travel. If he drifted aimlessly from country to country he would not travel but only wander ramble as a tramp. The traveller must be somebody and come from somewhere so his definite character and moral traditions may supply an organ and a point of comparison for his observations.

George Santayana

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the termite eat a sofa and two chairs?It had a suite tooth.

choice ENGLISH

Preserving or using with care, as valuable; frugal; -- used with of; as, to be choice of time, or of …

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economical ENGLISH

Managed with frugality; not marked with waste or extravagance; frugal; -- said of acts; saving; as, an economical use of …

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economist ENGLISH

One who economizes, or manages domestic or other concerns with frugality; one who expends money, time, or labor, judiciously, and …

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infrugal ENGLISH

Not frugal; wasteful; as, an infrugal expense of time.

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