"Frothing" is a word in ENGLISH

frothing ENGLISH

of Froth

frothing ENGLISH

Exaggerated declamation; rant.

Few words of positivity

I'm proud to be part of the fabric that inspires the next generations to remain curious and remember that 'smart is cool.'

Walter O'Brien

Laugh your heart out.

A man learned shortly before quitting time that he had to attend a meeting. He tried unsuccessfully to locate his car-pool members to let them know that he would not be leaving with them. Hastily he scribbled a message to one fellow and left it on his desk: "I have a last-minute meeting. Leave without me. Dave." At 7:00 p.m., the man stopped at his desk and found this note: "Meet us at the bar and grill across the street. You drove today, you idiot."

One of a religious order of regular canons founded by St. Norbert at Premontre, in France, in 1119. The members …

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Passing-Ticket LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A klnd of permit, being a note or check which the toll-clerks on some canals give to …

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naturalisa CEBUANO

naturalísa n {1} the natural thing to do. Naturalísa sa táwung mamakak basta dílì sakpan, Its only natural for people …

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traversable ENGLISH

Capable of being traversed, or passed over; as, a traversable region.

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búgsak - To put—, throw—, chuck—, down with some force, drop violently. Indì nínyo pagibúgsak ang baúl, kóndì ibutáng sing …

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kumpitis CEBUANO

kumpítis n confetti.

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carbonade ENGLISH

To cut or hack, as in fighting.

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kulay Definition: 1) color (noun) 2) colorful -- MAKULAY (adj) 2 Definition: Notes: Examples:

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oxidability ENGLISH

Capability of being converted into an oxide.

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To crowd or throng.

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dentel ENGLISH
distansiya CEBUANO

distansiya n distance. Ang distansiya sa ílang balay gíkan sa karsáda, The distance of their house from the street. may …

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bespeak ENGLISH

To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.

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laodicean ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Laodicea, a city in Phrygia Major; like the Christians of Laodicea; lukewarm in religion.

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cherry ENGLISH

The timber of the cherry tree, esp. of the black cherry, used in cabinetmaking, etc.

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lúnang - (H) Mud, slush, mire; to form mud, become muddy. Naglúnang ang dálan—or—nalunángan ang dálan. The road became muddy. …

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