"Friars" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


An order of religious persons, of whom there were four principal branches, viz.: (1) Minors, Grey Friars, or Francis-cans; (2) Augnstines; (3) Dominicans, or Black Friars; (4) white Friars, or Carmel-ltes, from whom the rest descend, wharton

Few words of positivity

Be thankful that you have clothes to wear, food to eat and a place to sleep.

Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

Laugh your heart out.

Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich ?Because the poor didn't have any !

alsatian ENGLISH

An inhabitant of Alsatia or Alsace in Germany, or of Alsatia or White Friars (a resort of debtors and criminals) …

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augustinian ENGLISH

A member of one of the religious orders called after St. Augustine; an Austin friar.

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austin ENGLISH

Augustinian; as, Austin friars.

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black friar ENGLISH

A friar of the Dominican order; -- called also predicant and preaching friar; in France, Jacobin. Also, sometimes, a Benedictine.

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carmelite ENGLISH

A friar of a mendicant order (the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel) established on Mount Carmel, in Syria, …

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convert ENGLISH

A lay friar or brother, permitted to enter a monastery for the service of the house, but without orders, and …

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cordon ENGLISH

The cord worn by a Franciscan friar.

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curtal friar ENGLISH

A friar who acted as porter at the gate of a monastery.

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disfriar ENGLISH

To depose or withdraw from the condition of a friar.

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doctor ENGLISH

The friar skate.

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dominican ENGLISH

One of an order of mendicant monks founded by Dominic de Guzman, in 1215. A province of the order was …

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four-o'clock ENGLISH

The friar bird; -- so called from its cry, which resembles these words.

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Brother; -- a title of a monk of friar; as, Fra Angelo.

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fráile - (Sp.) Friar; monk; religious, member of a religious order.

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franciscan ENGLISH

A monk or friar of the Order of St. Francis, a large and zealous order of mendicant monks founded in …

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Fratres Pyes LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. Certain friars who wore white and black garments, walsingham, 124

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fray - Contr. of fraile and used before the proper name of a Friar, e.g. si Fray António. Father Anthony, …

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A white or pale patch on a printed page.

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A brother or member of any religious order, but especially of one of the four mendicant orders, viz: (a) Minors, …

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