"Free-Martin" is a word in ENGLISH

free-martin ENGLISH

An imperfect female calf, twinborn with a male.

Few words of positivity

Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back, A name in your recollection, down among a million same." - A Perfect Circle.

Maynard James Keenan

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call an aardvark that writes poems?A bardvark!

abortion ENGLISH

Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed.

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abortive ENGLISH

Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile; as, an abortive organ, stamen, ovule, etc.

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Adminiculum LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. An adminicle; a prop or support; an accessory thing. An aid or support to something else, whether a right …

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adumbration ENGLISH

A faint sketch; an outline; an imperfect portrayal or representation of a thing.

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agenesis ENGLISH

Any imperfect development of the body, or any anomaly of organization.

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ailantus ENGLISH

A genus of beautiful trees, natives of the East Indies. The tree imperfectly di/cious, and the staminate or male plant …

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annawir ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to speak or pronounce words badly, imperfectly or incorrectly; to have a speech defect. Saan mo nga katawaan …

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arthrodia ENGLISH

A form of diarthrodial articulation in which the articular surfaces are nearly flat, so that they form only an imperfect …

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astigmatism ENGLISH

A defect of the eye or of a lens, in consequence of which the rays derived from one point are …

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In a bad manner; poorly; not well; unskillfully; imperfectly; unfortunately; grievously; so as to cause harm; disagreeably; seriously.

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blastostyle ENGLISH

In certain hydroids, an imperfect zooid, whose special function is to produce medusoid buds. See Hydroidea, and Athecata.

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blemish ENGLISH

Any mark of deformity or injury, whether physical or moral; anything that diminishes beauty, or renders imperfect that which is …

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To cause imperfection of vision in; to dim; to darken.

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Imperfectly crystallized or coarse diamonds, or fragments made in cutting good diamonds which are reduced to powder and used in …

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To repair; to mend; esp. to patch in a clumsy or imperfect manner, as a garment; -- sometimes with up.

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broken ENGLISH

Imperfectly spoken, as by a foreigner; as, broken English; imperfectly spoken on account of emotion; as, to say a few …

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catalectic ENGLISH

Wanting a syllable at the end, or terminating in an imperfect foot; as, a catalectic verse.

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cold-shut ENGLISH

An imperfection caused by such insufficient welding.

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To complete or establish that which was imperfect or uncertain; to ratify what has been done without authority or insufficiently. …

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Confirmation LAW AND LEGAL

A contract by which that which was Infirm, imperfect, or subject to be avoided is made firm and unavoidable

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