"Forisjudicatio" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Forisjudicatio LAW AND LEGAL

In old English lnw. Forejudges A forejudgment. A judg-ment of court whereby a man is put out of possession of a thing. Co. Litt. 100b

Few words of positivity

We have no business squatting on other people’s land and we have only ourselves to blame if they take a dim view of it. I mean, c’mon, what would you do if someone barged into our house and just took it over? How would you react? Are you going to say, welcome, intruders, take it all, we’ll gladly confine ourselves to the bathroom. That is, until you want us out of the bathroom as well. Then we will happily kill ourselves and leave you to deal with our bodies as you please. Is that what you would say? Of course not. You would make a complete ruckus. So why are you surprised when other people do the same?

Sonal Panse, The Sunshine Time: Season 1 Episode 5

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's a blonde's favourite wine?A: "Daaaddy, I want to go to Miaaami!"

balance ENGLISH

An equality between the sums total of the two sides of an account; as, to bring one's accounts to a …

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búsa núba n bossa nova song, dance. v {1} [A] dance the bossa nova. {2} [c1] do the music in …

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átip v [A; c1] {1} join pieces by sewing, welding, or pasting. Maátip pa kahà nang maáyu mang pagkagidlay? Do …

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A man or boy; a youth; a fellow.

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wangál - A loud, indistinct cry, a groan; to utter a loud cry, groan aloud, emit an inarticulate sound. (cf. …

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toggle ENGLISH

A wooden pin tapering toward both ends with a groove around its middle, fixed transversely in the eye of a …

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asterism ENGLISH

An asterisk, or mark of reference.

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mesorhine ENGLISH

Having the nose of medium width; between leptorhine and platyrhine.

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musikal CEBUANO

musikal n musical film.

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baras WARAY
haitic ENGLISH

Pertaining to Ham or his descendants.

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Vacantia Bona LAW AND LEGAL

Lat In the civil law. Goods withont an owner, or in which no one claims a property; escheated goods. Inst. …

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The space at the mouth of a level next the shaft, widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to …

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n. sugarcane wine, fermented sugarcane juice.

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kantar CEBUANO

kantar v {1} [A; c6] call s.t. out loud to notify people within earshot. Kinsa kadtung ngálan ang ikantar dúul, …

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intoxicate ENGLISH

To excite to a transport of enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness; to elate unduly or excessively.

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pletinian ENGLISH

Of pertaining to the Plotinists or their doctrines.

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Unintelligible LAW AND LEGAL

That which can-not be understood

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oscillatoria ENGLISH

Same as Oscillaria.

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